Navigating the Global Sugar Market Amidst Shifting Landscape

The global sugar market is far from predictable!

Just as thing started to slow down, a series of events took centre stage: India’s potential ban on sugar exports, Thailand’s underperforming crop, Brazil’s record-breaking harvest. But what does all of this mean for the sugar market? 

Join CZ’s expert sugar analysts Jay Kindred and Tabasoom Watak for a Free CZ Global Sugar Market Webinar to unpack how we got to this point and what to expect in the sugar market over the next year.

We will cover:

  • An overview of world market sugar prices.
  • Who has been buying and selling the futures markets.
  • The global supply and demand picture.
  • A rundown of key producers and consumers (including Brazil, India, Thailand, and the EU).
  • Our forward view for the industry.

We will conclude with a Q&A session where you can ask our sugar experts any questions about the industry.
Join us live or on-demand by registering for our Free Cz Global Sugar Market Webinar today!

Event Details
  • Start Date
    September 27, 2023 2:30 pm
  • End Date
    September 27, 2023 3:00 pm
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