The International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis Ltd. (ICUMSA) is a world-wide body which brings together the activities of the National Committees for Sugar Analysis in more than twenty member countries.
Work is carried out under various Subjects each headed by a Referee.
ICUMSA is the only international organisation concerned solely with analytical methods for the sugar industry. In addition to use by that industry, ICUMSA methods are recognised by authorities such as the Codex Alimentarius Commission, the OIML, the EU, and the US Food Chemicals Codex.
Methods are recommended for Tentative (T) approval by ICUMSA in the first instance. Upon meeting all the Commission’s requirements, methods are accorded Official (O) status. Methods which are demonstrably useful and have found an established application, or which do not lend themselves to collaborative testing, are given an Accepted (A) status. Details of how the status of Methods has been established may be obtained by reading the relevant Proceedings.
Provisional programme
12 June 2023
17 h Guided city walk through Vienna. Meeting Point: Raiffeisen Forum
19 h Welcome reception at Vienna Prater (if you are not taking part in in the city-walk, please come at 18 h 45 to Raiffeisen Forum)
13 June 2023
8 h 30 to 17 h Scientific Sessions
19 h Conference Dinner at Raiffeisen Haus
14 June 2023
8 h 30 to 13 h 30 Scientific Session
13 h 30 Bus leaves for visit of Agrana research center at Tulln
17 h 45 Bus returns to Raiffeisen Forum
18 h 30 Bus arrives at Vienna airport
14/15 June 2023 (optional post session tour)
Anton Paar cordially invites you to visit its headquarters in Graz, Austria. Invitation details can be found here.
Registration fees
Delegates €400 (incl. 20% VAT) up to 15 May 2023, afterwards €500 (incl. 20% VAT)
Accompanying persons €200 (incl. 20% VAT) up to 15 May 2023, afterwards €250 (incl. 20% VAT)
It includes the welcome reception, lunch and conference dinner.
Registraton is made on the sugarindustry.info webpage. Please register here.
Accompanying persons are very much welcome. For registration, please contact Jürgen Bruhns (jbruhns@bartens.com).
Please make your own hotel reservation.
The Mercure hotel Wien City is located across the street from the Raiffeisen Forum.
Additional hotels are shown on the Google map below. Please check also booking portals.