33 water reservoirs in the country left with less than 50% water storage

New week but the old story repeats vis-à-vis water availability in reservoirs across the country. The total water available across the 150 reservoirs in the country as of 16th May is 45.277 BCM, which is 25% of the total live storage capacity of these reservoirs. Last year, water availability was 57.993 BCM, indicating a drop of almost 13 BCM of water in the current year.

In the North, the water available in reservoirs is 5.618 BCM which is 29% of the total live storage capacity of these reservoirs vs 37% a year ago.

In the Eastern region, the trend of higher water availability compared to the corresponding season last year continues. The total storage in the reservoirs is 6.531 BCM which is 31.97% of the total live storage capacity of these reservoirs. The storage during the corresponding period of last year was 28%.

In the West, water available in reservoirs is 9.696 BCM which is 26.11 % of the total live storage capacity of these reservoirs vs 32% water availability in the same period last year, indicating a shortfall.

In the Central region, water available is 15.938 BCM which is 33% of the total live storage capacity in these reservoirs. The storage during the corresponding period of last year was 40%, indicating a drop of 7%.

In the South, water availability in the reservoirs is 7.494 BCM which is 14% of the total live storage capacity of these reservoirs. The storage during the corresponding period of last year was 26%, indicating a sharp decline compared to last year.

There are around 33 water reservoirs across the country having water storage less than 50% of the normal range.


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