83 sugar mills in Maharashtra clear 100 per cent cane dues

Sugar mills in Maharashtra are performing well in the ongoing crushing season. The mills are also taking steps to clear the cane dues of the farmers.

According to the sugar commissionerate, 83 mills in the state have cleared 100 per cent of cane payment. 47 mills have paid 80 per cent to 99.99 per cent payment. 33 mills have cleared 60 per cent to 79.99 per cent dues while 28 mills have paid 0 to 59.99 per cent cane dues for the ongoing crushing season.

A total of 197 sugar mills including 98 cooperatives and 99 private mills have produced 789.67 lakh quintal sugar by crushing 780.23 lakh tonne sugarcane with a 10.12 per cent recovery rate till 07 February 2022.


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