Sugar export likely to reach 90 lakh tonnes in 2021-22 season: ISMA

As per the revised update by the Indian Sugar Mills Association (ISMA) India is estimated to export over 90 lakh tonnes of sugar in the 2021-22 season.

To date, mills in India have signed export contracts for 80 lakh tonnes of sugar. Out of that, about 57.17 lakh tonnes of sugar have been physically exported out of the country during October 2021 – March 2022 period, as compared to about 31.85 lakh tonnes exported in the last sugar year during the same period. It is also reported that about 7 – 8 lakh tonnes of sugar is in pipeline for export in April 2022.

44 per cent of sugar has been exported to Indonesia and Bangladesh, which are the major destination in the ongoing season. Last year India exported 48 per cent of sugar to Indonesia and Afghanistan during the same period.

Sugar mills in India have produced 329.91 lakh tonnes of sugar till April 2022, which is 38.09 lakh tonnes more compared to last season. The mills last season had produced 291.82 lakh tonnes of sugar during the same period.


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