Philippines: Sugar output likely to fall

Manila: The sugar output of the country is likely to fall to two million metric tons (MT), below the 2.1 million MT set target due to the impact of La Nina, said the sugar stakeholders.

National Federation of Sugarcane Planters (NFSP) president Enrique Rojas said that the sugar yield of the country has dropped to 1.71 LKG this year from 1.87 Lkg or 50-kilo bags of sugar per ton last year.

“Few months of this season are left and our production till March 14 has reached 1.4 million MT. We are expecting favourable weather and improvement in the yield but the realistic target may be around two million,” he said.

The Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA) has last week issued Sugar Order 1-A for the crop year 2020-21 declaring the allocation of 100% of the country’s sugar output for domestic use.

SRA has revised the sugar production target for the current year to 2.1 million MT from an earlier target of 2.19 million MT.


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