Uttar Pradesh: Farmers demand hike in sugarcane price

Hapur, Uttar Pradesh: As the sugarcane crushing season 2020-21 ended in Uttar Pradesh, farmers have started demanding a hike in sugarcane prices. They are pressing for their demand by staging a protest and meeting the concerned officials.

Sugarcane farmers under the banner of Bhartiya Kisan Sangh (BKS) reached the Collectorate on Thursday and held a demonstration urging the government to increase crop price to Rs 400 per quintal. They also demanded to release the pending sugarcane dues and take action against sugar mills that default cane payment.

Sangh’s district president Inderjit Solanki alleged that inflation is on the rise continuously but the government has not increased cane price from many years.

Sugarcane farmers claim that due to a hike in fuel prices, sugarcane production cost has been increased, whereas crop price remains the same.


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