Centre approves more 18 ethanol projects

The Centre has given 18 more ethanol projects in-pricipal approval under ineterest subvention scheme of Department of Food & Public Distribution (DFPD).

Earlier, DFPD had informed that aiming to achieve a 20 per cent ethanol blending target by 2025, the government had given in-principle approval to 61 projects of ethanol production. According to DFPD, these 61 projects will add the ethanol production capacity by 257 crore litres.And expected to bring investment of about Rs. 7000 crores.

Ethanol production in India is likely to increase as Centre today approved higher ethanol price derived from different sugarcane based raw materials under the EBP Programme for the upcoming season 2022-23.

Below are the price hike of ethanol derived from different sugarcane based raw materials:
(i) The price of ethanol from C heavy molasses route be increased from Rs.46.66 per litre to Rs.49.41 per litre,
(ii) The price of ethanol from B heavy molasses route be increased from Rs.59.08 per litre to Rs.60.73 per litre,
(iii) The price of ethanol from sugarcane juice/sugar/sugar syrup route be increased from Rs.63.45 per litre to Rs.65.61 per litre,
(iv) Additionally, GST and transportation charges will also be payable.


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