Ghana: Bui Mill to start sugar production soon

The Bui Sugar factory belonging to the Bui Power Authority (BPA) will be starting sugar production soon in Ghana.

The sugar mill is located at Fatwoman, in the Banda District of the Bono Region.

Samuel Kofi Dzamesi, the Chief Executive Officer of the Authority met the Bono Regional Minister Justina Owusu Banahene and told him that with the help of Chinese investors, the company will be producing 60,000 tons of sugar on 13,000 acres of land acquired for the same.

“Sugarcane has already been grown on 250 acres of land to provide the raw material for the sugar mill,” he said.

It is part of the government’s Industrialization agenda of One District, One Factory (1D1F) and this has generated employment for 500 people, he said. Once the factory becomes fully operational, it would provide direct employment to 1,500 people and will generate indirect jobs for 500,000 youths, he informed.


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