Philippines: Sugar producers urge government intervention as prices plummet

The United Federation of Sugar Producers (Unifed) is urgently seeking intervention from the national government amidst a significant decline in sugar prices, causing concern for the profitability of sugar producers, particularly small-scale farmers, reported Sun Star.

Unified President Manuel Lamata has called for potential state involvement from President Ferdinand Marcos, Jr., and Department of Agriculture Secretary Francisco Tiu Laurel, Jr., in response to the continuous drop in sugar prices. Over the past two weeks, prices have fallen to P2,500 in Negros and even lower at P2,300 in Bukidnon, markedly below the P3, 200 levels recorded in the same period last year.

Lamata expressed deep concern, pointing out that mill gate prices have reached P50 per kilo, considerably below production costs. Despite retail prices holding steady at P80-P85 per kilo, farmers are not reaping profits from local market prices.

Rising fuel and fertilizer costs further compound the situation, posing a threat to sustainability. Lamata warned that if this trend persists, farmers may lose motivation to produce for the upcoming milling season.

In light of these challenges, Lamata highlighted those consultations among various sugar associations under Unifed have led to an “urgent appeal for the national government to intervene and buy our sugar.” He emphasized the need for assistance to safeguard the livelihoods of the 5 million dependents of the sugar industry, particularly during the holiday season, expressing concern that many workers could face displacement and their dependents may go hungry.

Lamata acknowledged the President’s previous statements that sugar prices should not fall below P3,000 and called for swift action. “We know President Marcos’ heart is with and for the farmers, as he has told us so, and we are calling for his intervention on this matter,” Lamata concluded.


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