Egypt to increase sugar on ration cards to assist consumers over rising prices

Cairo: In a bid to alleviate the impact of surging local sugar prices, the Egyptian Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade declared that Egypt will implement an increase in sugar allocations on ration cards starting in January 2024, reported Egypt Today.

This decision aims to provide relief to Egyptian citizens contending with a more than 50 percent rise in sugar prices over recent weeks.

Under the newly introduced measures, individuals possessing ration cards will be entitled to an additional kilogram of sugar, extending the allowance for up to three people. Furthermore, households with four or more individuals will receive an extra two kilograms of sugar on their ration cards.

The announcement coincides with the General Authority for Supply Commodities (GASC) taking steps to address the sugar shortage by securing the import of 50,000 tons of raw sugar, expected to be delivered in February 2024, as outlined in earlier media statements.

The Egyptian government has underscored its commitment to bolstering domestic sugar production. Local sugar production from sugar cane is scheduled to commence in January, while production from sugar beets is set to begin in March. These efforts are geared towards reducing dependence on imports and ensuring a stable supply of sugar within the country.


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