Goa: Farmers demand revival of Sanjivani Sugar mill

Ponda, Goa: The Sugarcane Farmers Association, associated with the Sanjivani Sugar Factory in Dharbandora, has conveyed their resentment regarding the government’s protracted delay in recommencing operations at the sugar factory, reported Herald Goa.

Sugarcane has long been the linchpin of the livelihoods of farmers in the region. However, the closure of the sugar factory has dealt a severe blow to their economic sustenance.

Apprehensive about the future of sugarcane farming, farmers are now issuing a warning about initiating a dharna (sit-in protest) at the entrance of the sugar factory gate commencing January 2, 2024.

Rajendra Desai, the president of the Farmers’ Association, articulated the disappointment prevalent within the farming community after a meeting held within the factory premises. Desai urged the government to clarify its stance on the proposed ethanol plant, pointing out that farmers have been given false hope about its initiation at Sanjivani Sugar Factory.

Desai stated that a contractor from Karnataka, experienced in ethanol production, has expressed interest in launching the ethanol project on the factory premises. However, the Goa government has not provided the requisite clarity or approval for the resumption of sugar factory operations.


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