AIPBA urges govt for duty-free maize imports amid ethanol boom

The All India Poultry Breeders Association (AIPBA) urged the government on Monday to allow duty-free import of maize to address the increasing demand from the poultry industry, reported PTI.

This surge in demand is attributed to the rise in consumption for ethanol production and the inadequacy of domestic output. In a representation to the Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry, and Dairying, AIPBA Chairman Bahadur Ali emphasized that the growing demand from ethanol producers has led to soaring maize prices, posing a challenge for Indian poultry farmers.

“Poultry farmers are grappling with unsustainable costs as maize prices hover around Rs 22-23 per kg across India,” warned Ali. He cautioned that the burden is expected to intensify further by February 2024, potentially adversely affecting the poultry industry. In response to this situation, the association presented two options to the government: permitting the duty-free import of maize or increasing domestic production.

Given the perceived improbability of a significant short-term increase in domestic output, the association asserted that importing maize from other countries is the most viable solution to meet the immediate demand. The current basic import duty on maize stands at 50 percent.


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