Lucknow: In the upcoming Ground Breaking Ceremony on February 19, the state government of Uttar Pradesh (UP) plans to position itself as a ‘green industry base’ by highlighting its initiatives in solar, biofuel, pumped storage, and electric vehicle (EV) battery ecosystems, reported The Times of India.
The move is aimed at attracting new players and aligning with the growing global demand for sustainable business practices.
Nand Gopal Gupta Nandi, the minister for industrial and infrastructure development in UP, emphasized the significance of this initiative in the context of developed economies embracing sustainable practices. The state aims to showcase its strengths in various green sectors during the ceremony.
Highlighting the abundance of biomass for biofuel production, officials noted that UP alone can consume one-fifth of the target under the National Green Hydrogen Mission. The state has streamlined the approval process for setting up compressed bio-gas plants and bio-diesel/ethanol production plants through a single-window system.