Najibabad sugar mill ends sugarcane crushing season

Najibabad: The sugarcane crushing season at the Najibabad Cooperative Sugar Mill concluded on April 10. General Manager Sukhbir Singh extended his congratulations to officials, employees, and farmers for the successful completion of the mill’s operations.

Due to low sugarcane production in the district, this year’s crushing season at Najibabad concluded earlier than usual. The mill ended operations in the first week of April. Following the closures of the Bundki and Dhampur sugar mills, the crushing season at the Najibabad mill also came to an end on Wednesday.

Najibabad Sugar Mill’s General Manager Sukhvir Singh and CEO Dr SS Dhaka informed that this year, the mill crushed 3,563,550 quintals of sugarcane, achieving a recovery rate of 10.91 per cent. The sugar mill area was affected by the red rot disease, resulting in lower sugarcane crushing compared to the previous year. In the 2022-23 crushing season, the mill had crushed 3,882,800 quintals of sugarcane.

He stated that this year, the mill had set a target to crush 5 million quintals of sugarcane. However, farmers suffered significant losses due to red rot, rainfall, and floods in the region, resulting in considerable damage to both the mill and the farmers.


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