Bihar: Farmers awaiting revival of sugar mills

Pandol: In the 1980s, the industrial areas of Sakri, Pandaul, and Raiyam were bustling with activity. Today, these areas are deserted. The once-thriving industries, including Sakri’s tile and leather industries, Pandaul’s spinning mill, plywood factory, glucose factory, and mineral water plant, have been shut down for decades. The closure of two sugar mills in the region for the same duration has severely impacted the local economy. Farmers are disheartened and distressed, facing significant issues in employment and agriculture, reported Live Hindustan.

As per news report, the Sakri sugar mill, with its 47 acres of land, lies barren and unused. Even the parts of the closed factory have been sold off by robbers. In 2017-18, it was announced that the Sakri sugar mill would be replaced by a beer factory, but many machines were taken away overnight by the buyers, and no factory has been established even after seven years.

Media report further stated that last year, for an ethanol plant, former Industry Minister and local MLA Sameer Kumar Mahaseth conducted a groundbreaking ceremony with company officials. However, the company has since ceased operations and left, leaving locals feeling deceived. Three thousand families associated with both factories now face helplessness and despair.

Even after many years, the Raiyam, Sakri, and Lohat sugar mills have not reopened. Aghanu Yadav expressed that the closure of these industries is not only tragic for the district’s sugarcane farmers but also for the general population. Sakri’s sugar was once exported abroad, and the factory was profitable until it was announced closed in 1992-93. The district’s economy has crumbled over the past three decades, leaving farmers still disappointed.

Nirmal Prasad mentioned that the soil here is quite suitable for sugarcane cultivation and that a sugar mill would be the best industry for the area. If the government has a positive outlook for Mithilanchal, it should reopen the mills. Associated industries for ethanol production could also have been established, but instead, the mill was sold off, deceiving the locals. Rudrakant Jha commented that while people have always participated in democratic elections, their representatives have failed to meet their expectations. The government should reopen the closed industries and provide employment. Many leaders have come and gone, but none have restarted the mills.


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