Mysuru: Survey to assess rain damage to crops

Mysuru: Kurubur Shanthkumar, President of the Karnataka State Sugarcane Growers Association, along with a delegation of farmers, met Deputy Commissioner K.V. Rajendra on Monday to urgently request the release of drought and crop loss relief due to the farmers’ severe distress. Shanthkumar emphasised that the farmers lack the funds to begin their agricultural activities because of pre-monsoon showers in their fields, and the relief would enable them to proceed, reported The Hindu.

After the meeting, Shanthkumar reported that the Deputy Commissioner assured the delegation he would consult with officers from the Department of Agriculture and Horticulture to conduct a survey assessing the damage caused to crops by recent rains and gusty winds. “The Deputy Commissioner mentioned that 780 farmers in Mysuru district have suffered losses to their banana crops due to the rains. The crop damage report will be forwarded to the government,” Shanthkumar stated.

“Additionally, the Deputy Commissioner promised to convene a meeting soon to address the prevention of harassment by financial institutions over loan recovery. The Joint Director of Agriculture will be tasked with organising this meeting promptly,” he further added.

During the meeting, the farmers highlighted the harassment by loan recovery agents from financial institutions. They urged the Deputy Commissioner to instruct banks not to credit drought relief to their loan accounts. They requested that all banks be directed to provide loans for the current year’s agricultural activities.

The farmers also called on the district administration to take immediate action to remove silt from lakes before the monsoon begins, as this would significantly improve groundwater levels.

Furthermore, the farmers requested the Deputy Commissioner to have officers survey the damage to crops such as bananas, paddy, mangoes, and other crops caused by the rains. They suggested that the disaster management authority conduct the assessment and inform the government.

Finally, the farmers demanded that some sugar factories, which have not been paying the additional ₹150 per tonne for sugarcane as mandated by the government, be compelled to pay the due amount.


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