Maharashtra: Raju Shetti urges govt to declare drought in region with water scarcity

Kolhapur: Farmer leader and former MP Raju Shetti has called on the state government to declare drought in areas experiencing severe water scarcity and to instruct banks to halt the recovery of crop loans immediately, reported The Times of India.

Shetti conveyed his demands in a letter to the government through Pune Divisional Commissioner Chandrakant Pulkundwar.

In addition to the drought declaration and loan recovery suspension, Shetti has urged the establishment of fodder camps for cattle. “We are witnessing severe water scarcity in many parts of the state. Farmers have lost all hope, and authorities are harassing them by disconnecting their power and pressuring them to repay their loans. Women are also suffering. If this continues, farmers from the drought-hit areas will take to the streets,” Shetti warned.

Shetti emphasized that if loans are not waived, farmers will be unable to secure another crop loan for the Kharif season. “Farmers will be forced to turn to private money lenders, who will harass them, leading to an increase in suicides among cultivators. Farmers have already lost their crops due to water scarcity and have earned negligible income,” Shetti added.


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