Bangladesh: Police takes action on smuggled sugar

Dhaka, Bangladesh: Police have confiscated 14 trucks carrying sugar in the Umairgaon area of the Companyganj-Jalalabad Road in Sylhet Sadar Upazila.

This is the largest haul the police have seized in Sylhet to date. A raid was carried out by a team led by Sylhet Metropolitan Police Deputy Commissioner and Additional DIG Azbahar Ali Sheikh, based on a tip-off received the previous day.

Police halted the trucks, travelling from Companyganj to Jalalabad and the drivers abandoned the vehicles and fled from the spot.

Authorities suspect that the sugar was smuggled into the country illegally. In addition to the trucks, a private car and a motorcycle were also left behind.

The estimated value of the seized sugar is Tk2 crore. Additional DIG Azbahar Ali Sheikh stated, “We conducted the raid based on a tip-off. The smugglers will be brought to justice.”


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