ISO Council Meeting: ISMA Welcomes ISO and its delegates to India

India is hosting a global event in sugar sector ‘ISO Council Meeting’ in New Delhi from 25th till 27th June, 2024. Delegates from more than 30 countries and representatives of many international organisations are joining to deliberate on critical issues of sugar and biofuel sector.

This year, Sanjeev Chopra, Secretary, the Department of Food and Public Distribution in the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution is the Chair of the ISO Council starting January 1, 2024. As the chair, India is hosting the 64th International Council Meet, 24th-28th June at Bharat Mandapam, New Delhi.

Indian Sugar & Bio-energy Manufacturers Association (ISMA), being the body that represents the Indian Private sugar industry, will also attend the ISO Meeting and is welcoming all Indian and International ISO delegates. While ISMA has planned an informal evening to enable networking between different country delegates, it has also put a stall at Bharat Mandapam to showcase the progress the Indian sugar industry has made, especially in the last few years. From being a sugar producer, the industry has grown leaps and bounds in terms of its offerings such as Bio-ethanol, CBG to the development of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF); it has contributed immensely to the economic well-being of our sugarcane farmers and made an impact to make the world a more sustainable place.

International Sugar Organization (ISO) is a UN affiliated body having HQ at London. ISO has about 85 countries as members covering almost 90% of sugar production in the World. It is mandated to bring major sugar producing, consuming and trading nations together to bring mutual understanding and progressive approach in dealing with issues pertaining to the sugar sector. ISO has also been working on biofuels, especially, ethanol as sugarcane is the second major feedstock for ethanol production in the world.



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