Davangere Sugar to procure larger quantities of maize to maximise ethanol production

Davangere Sugar Company Limited (DSCL) is planning to maximise ethanol production during the Financial year 2024-2025.

In a corporate announcement, company said, “During the Financial year 2024-2025, DSCL plans to produce ethanol primarily from maize and other damaged grains until the crushing season begins in October 2024. To maximise ethanol production, the company aims to procure larger quantities of maize from various regions across the country. Government policy currently encourages ethanol production from maize, and the Central Government is in the process of establishing a National Coordinating Agency (NAFED) to procure maize from farmers and supply it to sugar factories for ethanol production. This initiative will benefit our factory and others by ensuring a sufficient supply of maize for continuous, year-round operations.”

The sugar and ethanol industry has been steadily benefiting from government policies allowing the production of ethanol from grain.

“Additionally, our company is strategically partnering with surrounding village farmers by providing sugarcane seeds and other inputs at subsidized rates to help them receive higher sugarcane yields and enhance their commercial benefits. Company has initiated the process of providing plantation subsidies to further support the farmers. Company is targeting to achieve about 15000 acres of sugarcane cultivation for the forthcoming season,” the DSCL further added.

Recently, company announced the expansion of its distillery and operations, by adding another 45 KLPD grain-based unit at a project cost of Rs. 54.00 crores.


  1. Nice. Davangere sugar factory has planned to produce ethanol from maize. Why? Production of ethanol from sugar cane is most economical at world level. Maize reduces soil fertility very fastly. Sugar cane improves the soil structure and texture, as per my 54 yrs. experience in sugar cane research in India and at global level. In many foreign countries they do not have suitable climate not more than six months in a year, hence they prefer maize for animal feeds. We can grow maize but under limits. Sugar cane, soy bean ,sun flower, ground nut best sole and inter crop options in sugar cane, cotton, wheat crops. We must respect to the climate and need of India. Best Wishes. Dr. Patil A.S. Former Director,Agri, VSI,Pune,India.


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