Saharanpur sees improvement in sugarcane yield by 191 quintals per hectare in a decade

Saharanpur: The average yield of sugarcane in the district has increased to 849.36 quintals per hectare, thereby acquiring the ninth position in the state. It is a part of the ten-year rise in sugarcane production, with an increase of 191 quintals per hectare during this period.

According to the latest data released, Shamli district recorded the highest average yield, followed by Muzaffarnagar in the second position. In the ongoing season, the district witnessed cultivation of sugarcane on 1.21 lakh hectares, which provided 295.68 lakh quintals of sugarcane to the local sugar mills. However, the red rot disease in the Co-0238 variety of sugarcane in several areas brought down the average productivity.

District Cane Officer Sushil Kumar commented on the figures, highlighting the substantial increase in average yield over the last ten years. “The district has shown remarkable progress, with an increase of 191 quintals per hectare in average yield,” he said.


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