Uttarakhand: Former MLA meets sugarcane minister over operations of sugar mill

Kashipur, Uttarakhand: Former MLA Dr Shailendra Mohan Singhal met with Sugarcane Minister Saurabh Bahuguna to discuss several issues, including the timely operation of the Nadehi Sugar Mill, reports Live Hindustan.

Dr. Singhal, along with BJP District President Gunjan Sukheja, visited the office of the Sugarcane Minister, on Tuesday.

They asserted that the crushing season of the sugar mill should be started in time. He also urged for the modernization of the sugar mill, and appointment for the dependents of the deceased employees.

The minister said that all their demands, including the timely operation of the mill, would be duly taken up. The BJP members accorded a warm reception to the Minister before the meeting.


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