Karnataka: Mysugar factory aims to crush 2.5 lakh tonnes of sugarcane

Bengaluru: The Mysugar Factory has resumed its crushing operations for the 2023-24 season earlier this month, reported News18. The operations of the sugar mill were inaugurated by the Sugar Minister Shivanand Patil.

During the launch event, Minister Patil announced that the factory would initially crush between 1,500 and 2,000 tonnes of sugarcane per day gradually increasing capacity to 3,000 to 5,000 tonnes per day. While the operations were scheduled to start on June 30, the technical snag in the turbine delayed it to July.

The factory generally runs from July to February. The factory remained closed from 2015 to 2017 due to various problems, and it restarted in 2018, running till 2019. From 2019 to 2022, again the mills were closed and reopened later in the calendar year. It has milled about 2.40 lakh tonnes of sugarcane in the 2023-24 season and is geared up for another round of sugar production.

The farmers of this region have been growing sugarcane for many years, and it is because of its production that this Mysugar Factory has received a significant amount of sugar. It exports sugar not only within the confines of India but also internationally. The current year’s estimate crush of the factory is 2.5 lakh tonnes of sugarcane. End Potion: It continues to supply sugarcane to many states within India.

To read more about the news about the sugar industry, continue reading Chinimandi.com.


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