UP: Sugarcane farmers to receive dues before crushing season

Lucknow: Sugarcane farmers are set to receive their pending dues before the upcoming crushing season, reported Live Hindustan.

Mills that fail to make payments will face area reductions, and farmers will also receive interest on delayed payments. To address farmers’ issues, a meeting will be held on July 31 under the chairmanship of the Chief Secretary with the Bhartiya Kisan Union (BKU), non-political, and all related agricultural departments. This assurance was provided on Monday by Sugarcane Commissioner PN Singh to a delegation of BKU.

Earlier, the Bhartiya Kisan Union (Non-political) convened a farmers’ meeting in front of the Sugarcane Commissioner’s office in Dalibagh to discuss farmers’ problems and criticized the government for inaction. Farmers raised the issue of pending sugarcane payments warning the government to take action.


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