Morning Market Update – 31/07/2024

Yesterday’s closing dated – 30/07/2024

◾London White Sugar (SWV24) – 538.60s (+1.90)

◾NYBOT Raw Sugar #11 (SBV24) – 19.12s (+0.11)

◾USD/BRL- 5.6125 (+0.0004)

◾USD/INR – 83.733 (-0.017)

◾Brent Crude – 78.63 (-1.15)

◾BSE Sensex – 81455.40 (+99.56)

◾NIFTY50 – 24857.30 (+21.20)

October NY world sugar #11 (SBV24) Tuesday closed up +0.11 (+0.58%), and Oct London ICE white sugar #5 (SWV24) closed up +1.90 (+0.35%).

Sugar prices on Tuesday climbed to 1-week highs and posted moderate gains after the Indian Sugar and Bio-energy Manufacturers Association (ISM) projected India’s 2024/25 sugar production would fall by 2% y/y to 33.31 MMT.

If you want to read more about the news about the Sugar Industry, continue reading


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