Mohiuddinpur sugar mill settles cane dues for 2023-24 crushing season

Meerut: Mohiuddinpur sugar mill, a unit of Uttar Pradesh State Sugar Corporation Limited, has completed the payment of all outstanding sugarcane dues for the 2023-24 crushing season, reports Live Hindustan.

On Tuesday, the mill transferred the remaining 17 crore rupees to the accounts of the cane committees. This information was shared by the mill’s General Manager, Kumar Dharmendra.

Kumar Dharmendra stated that while the mill had settled all cane dues by December in the previous crushing season, this year, the full payment to farmers was made six months earlier than last year. He also mentioned that the mill has started maintenance for the upcoming 2024-25 crushing season to ensure timely operations. He expressed his hope for clean and well-maintained sugarcane supplies from farmers this season as well.


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