Kharif crop sowing exceeds 1087 lakh hectares

The Department of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare has released progress of area coverage under kharif crops as on 2nd September 2024.

The maize sowing reached 87.27 lakh hectares in the current year, higher than 82.86 lakh hectares reported during the corresponding period of last year.

As per data, till September 02, the sugarcane sowing reached 57.68 lakh hectares in the current year, compared to 57.11 lakh hectares in the year 2023.

The Department of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare has released progress of area coverage under kharif crops as on 2nd September 2024.






Normal Area (DES) (2018-19 – 2022-23) Area Sown Area:  In lakh hactare
2024 2023
1 Paddy 401.55 408.72 393.57
2 Pulses 136.02 125.13 116.66
a Arhar 45.55 45.78 40.74
b Urdbean 36.76 29.62 31.42
c Moongbean 36.99 34.76 30.88
d Kulthi 1.90 0.30 0.28
e Moth bean 10.32 10.53 9.40
f Other pulses 4.49 4.15 3.94
3 Shree Anna & Coarse Cereals 180.86 187.74 181.06
a Jowar 16.01 15.16 14.06
b Bajra 72.63 69.55 70.81
c Ragi 10.96 10.31 8.13
d Small millets 4.47 5.46 5.21
e Maize 76.96 87.27 82.86
4 Oilseeds 190.18 190.63 188.83
a Groundnut 45.28 47.49 43.39
b Soybean 122.95 125.11 123.85
c Sunflower 1.40 0.71 0.69
d Sesamum 10.26 10.77 11.80
e Niger 1.22 0.37 0.47
f Castor 9.07 6.10 8.57
g Other Oilseeds 0.00 0.08 0.05
5 Sugarcane 51.15 57.68 57.11
6 Jute & Mesta 6.74 5.70 6.56
7 Cotton 129.34 111.74 123.11
Total 1095.84 1087.33 1066.89


(Source: PIB)


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