Shahjahanpur: Sugar mills to start crushing operations in November

Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh: Preparations to begin the new crushing season have gained momentum in the district’s sugar mills. According to reports, Nigohi and Maqsoodapur sugar mills are expected to be the first to start operations. Officials in charge of running the mills have accelerated repair work to ensure they are ready on time, reports Live Hindustan.

At present about 60% of the repair work is accomplished at Nigohi Sugar Mill, 62% at Maqsoodapur, 65% at Rosa, 38% at Tilhar, and 55% at Powayan Sugar Mill. All the mills ensure the starting of operations as scheduled. While Nigohi and Maqsoodapur are to begin on November 4, Rosa on November 5, Tilhar on November 14, and Powayan Sugar Mill on November 20.

According to District Cane Officer Jitendra Mishra, preparations are going in sugar mills and, as per plan, the operation would commence within the stipulated timeframe.

Continue reading for more news about the Sugar and Allied Sectors.


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