The Chhattisgarh government, on Wednesday, issued ‘Invitation to Invest’ letters to 27 major industrial groups, encouraging an investment of Rs 32,225 crore in the state. The Letters were presented by Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai during the “Stakeholder Connect Workshop on Chhattisgarh’s Industrial Development Policy 2024-30,” a joint event organized by NITI Aayog and the Chhattisgarh government in Nava Raipur.
The investments cover key sectors in the state, including emerging areas such as IT, AI, Data Centers, Ethanol, Electronics, Electrical, and Compressed Biogas. Prominent industrial groups involved in this initiative include Shivalik Engineering, Maa Durga Iron and Steel, ABREL Green Energy, RAG Ferro Alloys, Reliance Bio Energy, Yash Fans and Appliances, Shanti Greens Biofuel, and Rack Bank Data Center, among others.
Collaboration for progress! 🤝
Hon’ble CM Shri @vishnudsai ji leads the Stakeholder Connect Workshop, bringing together policy experts, industrialists & officials to shape #CGIndustrialPolicy24.
With @NITIAayog, let’s unlock Chhattisgarh’s export & investment potential 🌟
— CMO Chhattisgarh (@ChhattisgarhCMO) December 4, 2024
In his address, Chief Minister Sai highlighted Chhattisgarh’s vast potential for industrial growth, thanks to its abundant mineral resources and favorable industrial environment. He emphasized that the state’s new Industrial Development Policy for 2024-30 has been crafted after consultations with industry leaders and aims to simplify the process of setting up industries while offering several provisions to encourage new investments.
Sai further assured investors that the state is rolling out a welcoming approach for industrial growth, underpinned by a simplified investment process. The state’s single-window clearance system has streamlined administrative procedures, eliminating complexities. Referring to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision of a developed India by 2047, Sai stressed that Chhattisgarh’s industries will play a vital role in this national transformation.
Industry Minister Lakhan Lal Dewangan, who presided over the event, noted that the new industrial policy was developed under the guidance of Chief Minister Sai and inspired by Prime Minister Modi’s vision. The policy incorporates feedback from industrialists and aims to attract investment while fostering the growth of industries that will generate employment opportunities in the state.
Sanjit Singh, Senior Advisor at NITI Aayog, praised Chhattisgarh as an emerging favorite for investors, highlighting the widespread admiration for the state’s new industrial policy. He said the policy would steer sustainable industrial development, particularly strengthening the MSME sector, and includes an incentive scheme for investments in new sectors. Employment generation remains a key focus of this policy.
During the panel discussion, participants focused on industrial infrastructure, policy support, and the reduction of formal requirements for establishing industries that will drive employment and industrial growth. The event was attended by various officials and representatives from industry organizations.
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