The Border Security Force (BSF) in Meghalaya and the Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) recently held a commander-level meeting at Karaitoli LCP, located on the Bangladesh side of the border. The meeting focused on the Co-ordinated Border Management Plan and discussed other important issues of mutual concern.
In a separate operation, the BSF apprehended four Indian nationals near the international border in East Khasi Hills district, Meghalaya, and stopped two vehicles loaded with sugar worth over Rs 10 lakh.
The vehicles, with registration numbers ML 12 3843 and ML 05 AD 3614, were stopped near the Indo-Bangladesh border. The operation was carried out by the 193 Battalion of the BSF, which acted on specific intelligence to prevent a smuggling attempt.
The BSF continues to strengthen security measures to stop illegal activities along the border. The recent meeting with the BGB is part of ongoing efforts to improve cooperation and tackle border-related challenges more effectively.