The Andhra Sugars Limited has announced that, at this stage, the company will not operate its sugar plant in Taduvai, also for the 2025-26 crushing season, due to the non-availability of sufficient sugarcane. As a result, the company has informed farmers in the sugar factory zones not to undertake sugarcane plantation.
The company emphasized that the viability of operations is no longer feasible due to the current cane supply challenges.
In a filing, The Andhra Sugars Ltd informed the National Stock Exchange that farmers of our sugar factory zones have been informed not to take up sugarcane plantation, as the company at this stage is not proposing to run sugar plant at Taduvai also for the crushing season 2025-26 due to non-availability of sufficient cane for the viability of operations.
The company’s sugar operations began in 1952 at Tanuku with a modest sugar factory crushing 600 TCD (tons of cane per day), and have since expanded to three locations (Tanuku, Taduvai, and Bhimadole) with a total crushing capacity of 16,000 TCD. It has successfully adopted diffusion technology in sugar production.