Commercial production at the Numaligarh Refinery Ltd. (NRL) Ethanol Project is slated to begin in June-July this year. The project is expected to create numerous direct and indirect employment opportunities, according to Bhaskar Jyoti Phukan, Managing Director of Numaligarh Refinery, reported The Sentinel.
In Numaligarh, a bamboo-based bio-ethanol project is being developed in a joint venture with Chempolis Oy & Associates. Both the bamboo-based bio-ethanol project and the refinery expansion are progressing in parallel.
Numaligarh Refinery is regarded as a profitable enterprise within the state. To further enhance regional development, the refinery has facilitated the creation of Assam’s Bio Refinery Private Limited to set up the bamboo-based bio-ethanol project. Over 70 percent of the expansion work at Numaligarh Refinery has been completed, with advanced machinery imported from abroad. Once the expansion is finished, the refinery will become one of the leading initiatives in the state.