Sugarcane farmers stage demonstration outside Bajaj Sugar mill

Saharanpur: Around one month left for the commencement of new crushing season 2019-2020, but yet mills in Uttar Pradesh have not cleared the sugarcane dues. Cane growers have intensified their protest to press for their demands. The farmers on October 10 under the banner of Bhartiya Kisan Union staged a demonstration in front of the gate of Bajaj Sugar mill, Gangnauli for their pending arrears.

The agitation was called off after mill administration assured protestors that their dues would be paid soon.

Sukhbir Singh, district head of BKU said, โ€œThe rule mandates that cane amount should be deposited to the farmersโ€™ bank accounts within 14 days after the sugarcane harvest is handed over to the factory owners, but mills are not following the law. In order to get the money of our rights, we have to fight with mills.”

Sugarcane arrears in Uttar Pradesh are getting cleared at a snail pace; therefore CM Yogi Adityanath had served October 31 deadline to all mills for clearing the cane arrears. It seems that the millers will defy the target date and also they will not be able to pay cane dues before the commencement of the upcoming crushing season.

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