Kolhapur: The party workers under the banner of Swabhimani Shetkari Sanghatna blocked the sugarcane crop on Thursday night which was being taken to D Y Patil sugar mill for cane crushing. The Swabhimani Shetkari Sanghatana’s members stated that the mills in the district would start crushing only after sugarcane convention of the organisation scheduled on November 23.
Sugarcane farmers in Maharashtra are demanding hike in FRP prices. Party workers said that our leader Raju Shetti will declare the cane purchase rate in the convention, and till then we won’t allow any mill to start crushing.
The delay in the formation of government in Maharashtra is already affecting the sugarcane crushing season in the state. Usually, the season starts after Diwali or in October. But this year due to the prolonged rainfall, drought and the state assembly elections in the state, cane crushing is delayed.
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