Milestones Achieved
In short span of time, ChiniMandi has achieved remarkable success. We have been awarded by various agencies and organizations for our contributions to sugar industry and society. Along with being media partners, we have also sponsored and supported many sugar industry events.
Outstanding Achievement Award For Excellence In Sugar Industry
ChiniMandi is proud to have achieved the “Outstanding Achievement Award for Business Excellence” by All India Achievers Foundation.
Participation At Google I/O 2018
Team ChiniMandi is proud to have been present at Google I/O – an annual developer conference held by Google in Mountain View, California. “I/O” stands for input/output, as well as the slogan “Innovation in the Open”.
Membership Of FICCI – ILIA
ChiniMandi is proud to be a member of Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry – Indian Language Internet Alliance which helps in creating a unified Indic language ecosystem for growth of the Indian Language Industry.