Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh: Due to rain, the target of sugarcane survey in the sugar mills zone have not been achieved yet. Earlier, June 30 was the target given for completing the sugarcane survey. According to the news report published in Dainik Jagran, the district administration has extended the date of completion of the survey to July 10.
According to the Indian Sugar Mills Association (ISMA), Uttar Pradesh is estimated to have sugarcane area at 22.92 lakh hectares, as against 23.21 lakh ha. in 2019-20 SS, i.e. a marginal decrease by about 1 per cent. It is expecting a marginal increase in yield as well as sugar recovery in 2020-21 SS, owing to good overall standing crop condition and continued replacement of cane variety by high yielding and high sugared cane varieties in more areas. Thus, sugar production in Uttar Pradesh in 2020-21 SS is estimated to be around 123.06 lakh tonnes.
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