ChiniMandi is a online news portal for the Sugar Industry. It focuses on providing latest Sugar News from India & around the world as well as stock market, sugar tender reports, monthly release order and more.
Islamabad: Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has voiced strong disapproval over the sharp increase in sugar prices, prompting the Ministry of Production to summon sugar...
New Delhi , March 17 (ANI): Despite increasing consumption in developing economies, global oil supply is anticipated to outpace demand growth and India is...
પુણે: ખેતીમાં ક્રાંતિ આવી રહી છે અને ટૂંક સમયમાં શેરડીની ખેતીમાં આર્ટિફિશિયલ ઇન્ટેલિજન્સ (AI)નો ઉપયોગ કરવામાં આવશે, એમ NCP (SP) ના પ્રમુખ અને ભૂતપૂર્વ...
The National Federation of Cooperative Sugar Factories (NFCSF) on Sunday revised the sugar production estimates to 259 lakh metric tonnes (LMT) for the sugarcane...