Baghpat, Uttar Pradesh: Continuous rainfall over the past four days has brought sugarcane crushing to a halt at hundreds of kolhus (traditional sugarcane crushers) in the Chaugama area, causing significant financial losses to operators, reported Live Hindustan.
The region has a large number of kolhus, but the heavy rain has forced them to shut down operations. Kolhu operators are reporting daily losses of thousands of rupees due to the stoppage.
The situation has worsened as the fuel used in the crushers has become wet, making it difficult to restart operations. Operators fear that the kolhus may remain closed for up to a week.
Farmers are facing problems with waterlogging in their fields.
At the purchase centres of sugarcane waterlogging and mud have now brought weighing operations to a halt.
Farmers and kolhu operators are now awaiting betterment of weather to get crushing activity and delivery of sugarcane to resume at all speed.