Bangladesh: Rajshahi Sugar Mills suffers major losses

Rajshahi: Rajshahi Sugar Mills (RSM) has suffered major losses in the last five years, with a total loss of over Tk 391 crore. The main reason for the losses is the high production cost, reported Observerbd.

In the 2017-18 financial year, the mill incurred a loss of Tk 74 crore 47 lakh.

The losses continued in the following years. In 2018-19, the mill incurred a loss of Tk 83 crore 79 lakh, in 2019-20, Tk 88 crore 61 lakh, in 2020-21, Tk 81 crore 21 lakh, and in 2021-22, Tk 63 crore 6 lakh.

The losses have hurt the sugarcane growers. Many of them have shifted to other crops or dug ponds. The mill has also been forced to send its fertilizer, seeds, insecticides, and other agricultural tools to other mills.

The government has closed down six sugar mills in the country due to repeated losses. There are rumors that RSM could also be closed down.

The sugarcane growers and mill workers are demanding that the government take steps to save the mill. They say that the mill is an important source of employment and income for the people of the region.

The government has said that it is considering the matter and will take necessary steps to save the mill.

The losses of RSM are a major concern for the sugar industry in Bangladesh. The industry is already facing challenges due to the high cost of production. The closure of RSM would be a major blow to the industry and would further increase the losses.


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