Biden administration focuses on lowering sugar content in school meals

Washington: The Joe Biden administration unveiled several measures on Wednesday aimed at reducing the sugar content and increasing the vegetarian options in school meals, as part of its efforts to enhance nutrition for millions of students.

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack emphasized the importance of nutritious school meals in aiding children’s overall development.

“Nourishing school meals are as essential to the learning environment as teachers, classrooms, and educational resources. By improving the quality of school meals, we empower our children to succeed academically and in life,” stated Vilsack.

Building upon this initiative, the Biden-Harris administration pledged to collaborate with schools, districts, states, and the food industry to further enhance the nutritional value of school meals.

For the first time, national school meals will have limitations on added sugars, with gradual changes beginning in fall 2025 and full implementation by fall 2027.


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