Patna: The Hindu Mazdoor Sabha has demanded the reopening of the closed Sakri sugar mill in Madhubani district. In a letter addressed to Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Sunday, the organization’s General Secretary, Agnu Yadav, emphasized the significant benefits that would accrue from restarting the mill.
Yadav stated that reopening the mill would not only boost the income of farmers in the region but also provide direct and indirect employment to over 15,000 people. With over 21,790 hectares of sugarcane cultivated in the Sakri and Lohat areas, approximately 60,000 farmers rely on sugarcane as a primary source of income.
“Restarting the sugar mill will improve the economic condition of farmers and promote sugarcane cultivation in the region,” Yadav said. He added that the mill still possesses all the necessary infrastructure for sugar production, ensuring a smooth operational start.
The closure of the Sakri sugar mill has had a detrimental impact on the local economy, affecting both farmers and workers. The reopening of the mill is expected to revitalize the region and provide a much-needed boost to the agricultural sector.