Bihar: Minister assures resolution of sugar mill issues

Gopalganj, Bihar: Bihar’s Sugarcane Minister, Krishna Nandan Paswan, has assured farmers and workers associated with the Sasa musa sugar mill that their problems will be addressed soon, reported Live Hindustan.

He made this statement during a committee meeting held at the Collectorate auditorium on Monday.

During the review of complaints related to the Sugarcane Department, it was found that payments to sugarcane farmers and mill workers associated with Sasa musa sugar mill were pending. Taking this issue seriously, the District Sugarcane Officer was consulted. It was revealed that the matter is sub judice.

The minister stated that upon returning to Patna, he will hold a meeting with the Principal Secretary of the department to ensure swift action and resolve the payment issue pending in the court. Regarding the salary discrepancies of employees working for over five years at Vishnu Sugar Mill and Bharat Sugar Mill, the minister directed that a meeting should be organized with the legislators and mill managers to resolve the issue.


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