Bijnor: At present, the sugar mills in the district are not receiving an ample supply of sugarcane. Some sugar mills are likely to end operations early this season. reported Live Hindustan.
The price of sugarcane at jaggery units has surged to Rs 450 per quintal. This rise in sugarcane prices, coupled with farmers’ focus on sowing activities, has led to a shortage of sugarcane supply to sugar mills. As a result, the sugar mills in the district have only managed to crush 8.8 crore quintals of sugarcane.
PN Singh, District Sugarcane Officer, Bijnor, said, Changipur Sugar Mill has shut down after processing 5.59 million quintals of sugarcane. Boondki and Bahadarpur sugar mills will also close soon. Farmers are busy planting sugarcane. This is the reason why sugar mills are not receiving sufficient sugarcane. It is estimated that all sugar mills will close down in April.