Daily Sugar Market Update By Vizzie – 28/11/2024

ChiniMandi, Mumbai: 28th Nov 2024

Domestic Market
Domestic sugar prices were stable

After a drastic fall, domestic sugar prices in the major markets were reported to be stable. Demand is said to be dull as buyers remain as crushing activity started across the states.
The Food Ministry allocated 22.0 lakh tons of sugar for the month of December, lower by 2.0 lakh tons compared to the same month previous season and similar to the previous month. As crushing is going on and no update on sugar MSP, which is keeping prices in the downtrend from the last fortnight and expected to continue to remain lower.

S-grade sugar in Kolhapur costs Rs 3,400-3,440 per quintal, while M-grade sugar in Muzaffarnagar costs Rs 3,700-3,740. According to Agrimandi.live, Kolhapur S-grade sugar will cost between Rs 3,360 and Rs 3,480 per quintal in the near future.

Ex-mill Sugar Prices as on  Nov, 28 2024 : 

State S/30 

[Rates per Quintal] 


[Rates per Quintal] 

Maharashtra ₹3370 to 3420 ₹3450 to 3500
South Karnataka ₹3530 to 3610 ₹3580 to 3660
Uttar Pradesh           ₹3700 to 3740
Gujarat  ₹3480 to 3530 ₹3510 to 3641
Tamil Nadu  ₹3675 to 3825 ₹3735 to 3925
Madhya Pradesh ₹3700 to 3720 ₹3750 to 3820
Punjab  ₹3950 to 4050
(All the above rates are excluding GST)

Destination-wise Spot Prices as on  Nov, 28 2024 : 

City  Grade  Rate 
Delhi  M/30 3,948.00
Kanpur M/30 3,906.00
Kolhapur M/30 3,690.75
Kolkata  M/30 3,958.50
Muzaffarnagar  M/30 3,906.00
Ahmedabad M/30 ₹3,832.50
Banglore M/30 ₹3,885.00
Chennai M/30 ₹3,990.00


International Market

At the time of writing this update London White Sugar #5 front month contract is trading at $545.20 ton, whereas the New York Sugar #11 front month contract is trading at 21.69c/lb. The corn futures market trades at 415-6 and the ethanol Chicago trades at 1.62000s

Currency, Commodity & Indian Indices

The rupee traded against the US dollar at 84.466 whereas USD was trading with BRL at 5.8285, Crude WTI traded at $69.05 barrel. Sensex closed 1,190.34 points down at 79,043.74 whereas Nifty closed 360.75 points lower at 23,914.15

News Round-Up

NFCSF refutes cane worker exploitation; calls US media report ‘conspiracy’ to damage sugar industry

Godavari Biorefineries exploring grain-based ethanol production


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