Farmers face huge losses as untimely rains continue in several parts of India

New Delhi: Several parts of North and Central India continue to receive heavy rainfall resulting in crop losses in these parts affecting the farmers, reports Business Standard.

The anxiety among farmers has increased as the rains have obstructed them from harvesting wheat crops standing in the fields.

Experts have shown concern over the drop in the yield of the wheat crops as several parts of the wheat-growing regions have witnessed continuous rainfall.

Apart from wheat, mustard, sugarcane, chana and seasonal vegetables are also under threat due to unseasonal rainfall.

According to the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), the rains would recede from Tuesday which would bring some relief to farmers. However, it is expected that from March 24 another round of unseasonal rainfall and hailstorm would be seen in Punjab, Haryana, Western UP, Delhi and North Rajasthan.


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