Farrukhabad: Demand to modernise and expand sugar mill

Farrukhabad, Uttar Pradesh: The annual general meeting of the cooperative sugar mill witnessed demands for modernisation and expansion, reported Live Hindustan.

A 13-point agenda was presented before the Chairman/District Magistrate of the mill, which was unanimously approved. The annual general meeting took place on Thursday under the chairmanship of the Chairman/District Magistrate, Sanjay Kumar Singh.

During the meeting, a review of the previous general assembly was conducted. Discussions ensued regarding the confirmation of new members for the upcoming crushing season, addressing issues related to sugarcane supply, and determining the pricing of pesticides, fertilizers, and bio-pesticides.

The 13-point agenda, proposed and discussed with the representatives present, was subsequently approved.

On this occasion, the CEO informed that the crushing season is scheduled to commence on November 20, with preparations underway for the same. Discussions during the meeting highlighted the need for the mill’s modernization and the improvement of the mill road.


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