Gulshan Polyols organises workshop to boost maize production to support ethanol industry growth

Gulshan Polyols Limited, leading manufacturer of Ethanol/Bio-fuel, organised a two-day workshop to promote maize production in the country. The workshop titled ‘मक्का उगाओ’ was organised on 22nd and 23rd May in two different locations at Chindwara, Madhya Pradesh.

The workshop was attended by Professors and Principal Scientists from Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya who spoke about maize agronomy, water and land management, soil fertility, plant nutrition and crop management. Seed company; Corteva Agriscience addressed the workshop regarding the best maize seed variety suitable for the soils in the State. They also distributed about 200 kg of maize seeds to the farmers.

Market Linkage facility for farmers was discussed by Agribazaar.

Around 42 soil tests were done and the reports were issued, which showed soil low in nitrogen and carbon content and hence right application of urea was imparted to the farmers.

The workshop was mainly organised to impart knowledge and SOP to the farmers to grow more maize in their fields. Nearly 390 farmers registered for the Maize programme in the two days.

Dr. Chandra Kumar Jain, CMD said that it is indeed important to ensure that maize production is increased in the country.

“The Agriculture Ministry has set up a target to raise maize production by 10 million tons over the next five years as demand for ethanol production grows. Keeping this in mind, it is of utmost importance that we spread awareness amongst farmers and engage with seed companies, marketing companies etc. We plan to organise multiple such workshops in the future”, he said.


  1. Ethanol is not meant for India it is producing More Heat almost every vehicle engine is overheating up to 40% Extra since It’s being mixed 20% in Diesel and petrol Vehicles all over India currently being mixed and sold by all petrol pump outlets.

    This year the heat was extreme due to this many poor people are suffering even Air Coolers didn’t work properly.

    If you check the weather in Delhi before CNG was Introduced it was Normal after CNG in all vehicles it’s Extreme

    These kind of products are meant for Cool countries like Brazil has Amazon forest Compensating the heat and in US and UK as there’s Snow fall.

    It’s not meant for India so kindly think do we really require such products we have lakhs of vehicles plying on Roads with 40% extra heat creating such environmental impact.


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