Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini has directed officials to establish biofuel briquetting plants at all cooperative sugar mills across the state to boost their financial performance. Leading a review meeting of the Naraingarh sugar mill, the Chief Minister emphasized the potential advantages of this initiative, stressing its ability to transform the cooperative sugar sector.
He highlighted the success of the Kaithal Cooperative Sugar Mill, which had implemented a pilot project producing and selling bagasse briquettes to thermal power plants and other consumers within Haryana. “This has greatly improved the financial condition of the sugar mill,” he remarked, urging officials to replicate this successful model in all cooperative sugar mills.
Additionally, the Chief Minister called on officials to explore all possible strategies to reduce losses in the cooperative sugar industry. He expressed satisfaction with the government’s efforts and praised the enhanced efficiency of cooperative sugar mills, along with the positive impact on farmers.
According to officials, cooperative sugar mills under Sugarfed crushed 113.56 lakh quintals of sugarcane as of January 13 in the current 2024-25 crushing season, producing 9.18 lakh quintals of sugar with an average recovery rate of 8.70%.
In the previous 2023-24 crushing season, sugar mills in Rohtak, Sonepat, Jind, Palwal, Meham, Kaithal, and Gohana collectively saved 7.14 lakh quintals of bagasse, generating additional revenue of Rs 1,630.31 lakh. During the meeting, Sugarfed chairman Dharambir Singh Dagar also provided suggestions for further improving the financial health of sugar mills.