Industries Minister MB Patil vows to rejuvenate Nandi sugar mill

Vijayapura: Industries Minister MB Patil has assured that he will leave no stone unturned in reviving the ailing Nandi Co-operative Sugar Factory On Saturday, he visited the factory in Babaleshwar taluk and initiated discussions with farmers, officials, and the factory representatives seeking their suggestions on how to revive the factory.

He reiterated that the government was determined to save the factory and declared that a team of Bengaluru-based engineers would inspect the factory site this week to send in their recommendations. “This factory is, literally, the lifeblood of the farmers,” said Mr. Patil. “The factory was financially supporting hundreds of farmers at a time by increasing their living standards.”.

The farmers have attributed the poor policies and stiff competition from other factories to plunging this factory into a severe crisis.

Minister Patil said that the chief minister has been in discussions regarding providing loans for the recovery of the factory and he is hopeful for a positive outcome. He also spoke to the owner of the company and appealed to him to take the necessary steps to start crushing sugarcane this season.

Bilagi MLA J T Patil and other officials were also present during the visit.


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